Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words may be encouragement to them. Ephesians 4:29b

Sunday, December 25, 2011

2011 Adventures of Kelvin The Elf

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

I hope your day has been as blessed as ours has!  It's been a nice, relaxing day at home with family.  As the family naps, I decided a little blogging was in order!  I've been told that I should document the visit of our Elf on the Shelf, Kelvin's this year, so I thought Clearly Candace was just the place to do it!

Kelvin arrived at our house last year and simply sat on shelves, the Christmas tree, cabinets and other high places in our great room. He was pretty boring and a little creepy, if you ask me.  Well, he must've had great 2011 at the North Pole because he was all over the Baker House this year!  I posted a daily photo diary of his 24 days of December with us on Facebook.  The wonderful (addictive) world of Pinterest gave me motivation!  I hope you enjoy Kelvin's 24-day adventures before Christmas.  My apologies for being lazy and opting for iPhone shots instead of using my Nikon.  Hopefully the 8MP camera isn't too bad. ;)

A very Merry Christmas to you and yours! 
Candace <>< 

PS: I also included a few bonus "deleted scenes" at the end. :)  Enjoy!

Kelvin T. Elf's 24-Day Adventure

Day 1
(Kelvin is BACK!)
Stale Marshmallow Bath Celebration!

Day 2
Date Night!

 Day 3
Cirque du Kelvin

Day 4 
I Miss Snow

Day 5 
Damsel in Distress

Day 6
"Maybe poker's not your game, Snow. I know, let's have a spelling contest!" 
--Doc Kelviday 
(reference: Tombstone)

Day 7
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the children sleep tonight...

Day 8

Day 9
Sugar Plum Tuckered

Day 10
Fighting for truth, justice and the Elvish way

Day 11
A Relevant Read 

Day 12
Kelvin, this is NOT what I meant by "rumbly in my tumbly!"

Day 13
In a Jam

Day 14
This Sucks!

Day 15
Kelvin, Use the Force!
--Obi Wan

Day 16
It's fun to stay at the...

Day 17
King TutanKelvin

Day 18
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas are thumbs to Gig'em.  
And beating Northwestern would be nice, too.
Love, Kelvin

Day 19
How was I supposed to know Rudy was allergic?!

Day 20
Dang-a-liiing from a striiing, Soon it will be Christmas Day

Day 21
Elf Planking

Day 22
Stick 'em up!  Or I will!

Day 23
Mission M&Mpossible

Day 24
O Come Let Us Adore Him

Christmas Morning
10-4, Mr. C.  Reporting back to base.  Over and Out.
--Captain K.T. Elf

Bonus Deleted Scenes!


Oh, Elf Bungee, Oh Elf Bungee...

Tumble All The Way

Excellent Elf Form

Glue Goners


Speaking of Tebowing, I believe Tim Tebow's Christmas Eve Tweet says it all. 
"...what's most important is being able to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas everyone"

Merry Christmas, everyone!  See you in 2012!

With Him in Mind,
Clearly Candace 


  1. I LOVE this shared visit with Kelvin! Your creativity is amazing!

  2. Thanks so much! I had a ball doing it, but not sure I'll try to top them this year - too much pressure! LOL

  3. I can't stop laughing! I am so excited to start our adventures with Hermey I hope it works out! I may need some help with him! Your awesome Candace!

  4. Thanks @MommaA! Feel free to take some ideas! I definitely got or expounded on a few I found online, myself! This year I don't know that I'll have any ideas left. :)

  5. How did you get him to remain in his poses? My elf's arms aren't very poseable.

    1. Tape. Clear invisible scotch tape for arms/legs and painters or masking sometimes to stick to objects and surfaces! :)

    2. There is a tutorial here- that uses velcro and some bendable wire to make your elf much easier to pose.
      Found you (and the above link) on pinterest. Thanks for all the great ideas!

    3. Totally did this, BettyRuby! It is working well! :) Follow Clearly Candace on Facebook to see!

  6. funny and so sweet
    keep the ELF busy

    1. Kelvin came back with a bang this year, so have no fear! :)

  7. This is our first time using Elf on the Shelf this year and I can't wait! I know my girls (4,2) will love this experience! Looking forward to it!

  8. Oh my, these are so funny! My son is too old for Elf on a Shelf (oh how I wish he was around when my boy was little!) but these wonderful ideas still made me chuckle!

  9. Hilarious! Even though I only have dogs, your post makes me want to do Elf on a Shelf this year. Oh and gig 'em Ags!

  10. Thanks for the compliments, friends! It was really fun coming up with all these fun and entertaining ideas, but some nights it took me a LONG time to come up with them! I think I set the bar too high! LOL Thanks for your support and Gig'em right back atchya, @Angela!

  11. I love these ideas. Thanks for sharing. Will definitely do some of them as I fear this may be the last year for "Nick".

  12. WOW!!! Your ideas for the Elf on a Shelf are absolutely amazing!! Thank you for posting your little Elfs adventures, LOL!!


  13. Oh my goodness. This is HILARIOUS. A friend pinned it and I had to come and take a look. So glad that I did. This will be my first year doing the elf on shelf. I can't wait to use some of your ideas. You certainly have a good sense of humor...I mean, Kelvin certainly has a good sense of humor (and reference of pop culture). Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, Amy! Glad you stopped by and got a laugh. :)

  14. Those are fantastic! I honestly cannot pick a favorite - maybe the ones with Bumble (LOVE HIM) and the glue gun. Well done (and Gig 'Em!)

    1. Yes, Bumble was a lot of fun.:) Gig'em right back atcha, Wendy!

  15. I love the one with the gluegun it is very funny!!!I just love it very much very very much:)!!!!!:)

    My 7 year old daughter wrote this <3

  16. Hey there! Thank you so much for this! I added a link to your page on mine for an Elf on the Shelf idea compilation that I made. Here is the link: I hope that's ok?! Thanks again so much!

    1. Thanks for the link, Amber! I'll have to check out Kinda Crunchy Mama Life on a regular basis! :)

  17. Great post and it has given us so many ideas for this year. We can't wait till the girls see their elf! PS. Pinterest sent me here.

  18. Found you on Pinterest, glad to find a fellow ag. I couldn't leave without saying, "Howdy!"

  19. Found this post on Pinterest. Please come add to my Everything Elf on the Shelf party.

    1. I did! Thanks for the opportunity to spread some Kelvin to others, Sara! :)

  20. I am curious.... do you leave your elf in his mischief all day, or do you pick him up? My boys are pretty serious about not touching him, but afraid staging him within their reach may be too tempting? How do you do it?

    1. Kelvin stays all day. My kids are 4 and 6 (going on 5 & 7), so they are good about not touching. For younger ages, Kelvin stayed out of reach. :) Yesterday he fell off his exercise ball and the kids got anxious, but they were happy to find him tub swimming today. :) We will post his 2012 adventures after Christmas, but you can keep up with him daily by Liking the Clearly Candace Facebook page! :)

  21. Hello! Thank you so much for posting these ideas! Now I have fun ideas to place our little elf girl, Elfie. ;) It's our 1st year doing this. So far I think the most fun pose I have done (before finding you) was Elfie riding our animatronic Halloween cat that has a spinning head! ;) Merry Christmas!

    1. Great pose, Jennifer! Great memories will be made for all. :) Documenting it with a camera and saving the pics for the kids will be great too. Mine got to see this post (they don't really read much yet) on Dec 1st and had a great time remembering last year's adventure's! Merry Christmas to you and yours, as well.

  22. Thank you for posting! Hope you don't mind folks "borrowing" your ideas. Awesomeness!

    1. Please, do, T! That's what it's here for! My blog is for sharing and passing on inspiration to others. :)

  23. The gals at work with little ones were talking about this today, looking for ideas and here you were in my FB posted by my daughter in law all the way from Turkey (US Air Base). You are hilarious. I am so lucky to pass this on.

    1. This is so neat to hear! Crazy to know Kelvin is being seen across the world! Thank God for the internet. God bless your daughter-in-law for all that she does for our country!

  24. LOVE the ideas!! I just introduced Gizmo to my class of preschoolers this morning (having no children of my own, I have to have fun where I can, right?) and already, he has caused some mischief!! Having to only do things Monday-Friday, I found a TON of great ideas, so I'll be setting him up at night and again at naptime!! Today, he painted on the table and left some footprints! Such a mischievous elf! :) Can't wait to see what my kids think of his shenanigans!! :)

    1. Gizmo! Love it! My mom is a Kindergarten teacher and has an elf in her room every year, also. I think he gets renamed by the class each year. Such a neat thing to do! I can see a classroom having a huge plethora of inspiration ideas! :) You've already started off with a bang too! Enjoy!

  25. Love these! So cute! Definitely stealing some. =) I "hacked" our Elf, Eddie, to make him hang, bend, and climb! (Wire, magnets, velcro.) It was super-easy! If you wanna check it out, I made a tutorial on my blog at:


    1. Please steal them, Nicole! :)Kelvin is also bendable this year! Much less pinning and scotch taping this year. To see, Like Clearly Candace on Facebook. Linked on the blog, also.

  26. Thank you so much for this!! I am crying laughing...time to clean out my Dyson and find a mason jar. Thank you so much for the great ideas! God Bless and Merry Christmas!

    1. You're welcome, Tjaarda! I think the Dyson was my all-time favorite last year. :) Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

  27. Such cute ideas! I have a question, my kids are still young and the book I read says they can't touch the elf, but my struggle is finding cute ways to place him that are high enough the kids can't touch him. Do you allow your old to touch the elf, or do you leave him in the same spot all day?

    1. Browns, Do you have the actual "Elf on the Shelf" book that comes with the elf? It explains it well for the kids. It will make him lose his magic and affect is ability to fly back to the North Pole to report good behavior to Santa. :) No, we don't touch our elf, especially because he is often in a position that could be compromised. ;-) He stays all day. He fell yesterday on his own and the kids got anxious, but they never touched him so he returned in a new spot today. They were relieved. :)

  28. For those who think their kids are too old for this....I am starting the Elf on the Shelf tradition this year. My children are 20, 19, 19 (twins) and 17! The older three will be home from college by the 15th, so our elf will only visit for 10 days this year. (I may change this, and next year he will start his visits on December 1 and I will send photos via iPhone to the college kids). I am going to sit them down the first night everyone is home and read the story aloud. My husband followed the tutorial about making the elf poseable by adding wire, so our elf may get into some situations not suitable for young children :)
    I wish I had known about Elf on the Shelf years ago, but kids are NEVER too old to be reminded to be good and appreciative and loving!

  29. my husband and i just laughed for 5 minutes at these --- totally stealing the ymca one!!!

  30. My children are grown, but I am doing Elf on the Shelf in my classroom for the first time this year. Your ideas are absolutely creative! I am coming up with various "high" places for our Elf to be each morning since we would not want her to accidentally be touched with sooooo many itchy fingers. Really love the bungee curly cord....(slinky?) That one I could use! Thank you for sharing. :)

  31. Thanks for your reply. Yes we read the book, but I have a 7,6,4 and 2 year old and it is the 2 year old I don't trust....but they are in love with the Elf so I think I will give I than go with the low places

    1. I believe if you Google it you can find ways to restore the magic if he is touched.

  32. These are just great!! I have had so much fun this month with our elf!! My son runs out of bed each morning to find him. I have been running low on silly ideas with Thanksgiving coming so soon this year, thanks for more ideas:) I will be post-iting the living room this evening:)

  33. Thanks for sharing! We have been having so much fun with our elf!
    Gig em ags

  34. This is so funny. The Elf was actually in our office this year. He must have told on bonus check :(

  35. hahahaaa I love it! your soo createive

  36. Didn't have The Elf in our home this year, however my daughter will be nearly 3yo next year and I would love to begin this fun tradition. I enjoyed your creative ideas. Thanks for posting! -Lydia

  37. That was so cutely done! Loved it

  38. Candace, I am laughing so hard at this! I've decided that since my girls are off to college, I would do this THIS year for my husband, Kent. He's got the BEST sense of humor, and I think he will find this quite, I'm takin' notes and maybe I'll save all mine to share on Pinterest!

  39. So I found this totally by accident... looking at pargas junkyard on my fb page...and since I started the elf with Garett I have been cruising the elf blogs. Who knew when I was scrolling through the adorable pics...I thought...huh... that house looks familiar. I know that gal!


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