Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words may be encouragement to them. Ephesians 4:29b

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Is the Silence Killing You?

Dear Friends,

I'm still here! I thought an explanation for the long blog silence this past month was due.

First, two family trips to East Texas and my family's river cabin in South Ark have definitely made it hard to make time for creativity. :)

Second, believe it or not, I have another job! Yes, it's second to Mom, but it's still a job. :) I manage a local environmental program for employers via a non-profit org here in Central Texas. Surprise! ;) Yesterday was the deadline for my Partners to turn in their annual reports on their environmental efforts. Needless to say, I'll be busy for a few weeks. :(

Finally, it is also very hard to be creative when your "creative space" is in near chaos. This iPhone pic doesn't even do it justice...

I was standing on piles of crafts to get this one. This is one big messy Candoozy in the works!

Sooo...I've definitely got too much going on! Prayers are always welcome! :)

Maybe I'll get a chance to post a little something I've been wanting to show you soon. Stay tuned and thanks for your patience and support for Clearly Candace!

Keeping Him in mind,
Candace <><
Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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