Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words may be encouragement to them. Ephesians 4:29b

Friday, February 7, 2014

Super Sacks!

Ok, I have to admit.  I'm a bit of a geek.  I have a thing for super hero movies.  I think Keaton and Nicholson probably started it with Batman, but ever since Tobey and Kirsten brought us Spiderman, I got into them....X-men, Dark Night, each Avenger's series, Man of Steel., etc....  I love them all!

I also have a love for super hero-themed birthday parties.  However, I have yet to host a hero birthday for my son, oddly enough.  Apparently ninja (Legos & turtles) themes are cooler. ;)  That's ok.  I won't let that hold me back!  With the popularity of the Ninja Turtle party favor sacks, I came up with a new favor idea - Super Hero Party Sacks! (I won't share how geeky giddy I got as I made each one of these because that might ruin me...)

Ok, so I got a little carried away...  I had way too much fun creating them.  (I know... geeeeek!) I got face shape ideas surfing Google Images.  I created PDF sheets of the white face/mask shapes that were printed on white cardstock, cut and glued to colored gift sacks.  The tops of the sacks were then cut into the shape of the heroes' heads!  These shapes are made to fit sacks 5 to 6 inches wide.  The bags I used came from Hobby Lobby, Party City and Wal-Mart.  Michael's packaged colored sacks are too small for these printables.

These super hero printables are now in the Clearly Candace Etsy Shop!  
Avengers-Themed:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/178602941/super-hero-gift-sack-face-printables
Batman-Themed:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/178603991/super-hero-gift-sack-face-printables
Other Super Heroes: https://www.etsy.com/listing/178605625/super-hero-gift-sack-face-printables

Worried about your abilities in cutting the sacks?  Just keep this post handy to keep my photos to help guide you! The shapes to cut can be divided into three "head types"....

"The Baldies"

Just cut the top of the sack into a rounded head for these guys. Simple!

Spiderman, Wolverine, The Flash, Captain America, Thor and Ironman were my "Baldies."

"Dudes With Do's"
The heroes sporting hairdo's are a little trickier.  Just use the photos to guide you to draw the hair shape on the bag with a pencil to make things easier.  I found that freehand cutting isn't easy...especially for The Hulk! ;) Draw it first!

"The Ladies"

My ladies just needed a few curves cut into their bags. Two big curves for Wonder Woman and a few smaller ones for the Black Widow!

"The Ears"

Batman and Catwoman just require drawing and cutting a couple of pointy ears!

I hope these bags might make for a fun addition to a precious child's super hero party! 
If I can't use them for my son's birthday, I'll just live vicariously through moms that can!  :)  Happy party planning!

In Keeping Him in mind....One can give US "super strength!"

"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see an know was made strong.  It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see." Acts 3:16

Just as super heroes are strong, we can also be made strong by a faith in Jesus.  In this verse, Peter tells us how a man healed and "made strong" by his faith.  May you already know or come to know what a strong faith and healing by Jesus can give.

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